
Hello, I'm
Dhafa Kurniawan.

I am an aspiring Frontend Developer who enjoys connecting the dots: be it ideas from different disciplines, people from different teams, or applications from different industries.

1 / Sricandy Mobile App

An E-Commerce App

This is an E-Commerce App for jewelry that I worked on using React Native. I'm became key member here because I'm taking part from the start of development and I'm also helping team by reviewing their code to ensure the code keep consistent.


Sricandy Mobile App

2 / Nirwana Textile Admin Dashboard

An Admin Dashboard created with Next Js

This is admin dashboard for Nirwana Textile create with Next js and Chakra UI as Component Library. I create this from scratch without template whatsoever and I confident this is great admin dashboard. Any reason why I'm not using template? Because I'm built different.


Nirwana Textile Admin Dashboard

3 / Gateway Nirwana Textile

Gateway Site For Nirwana Textile

Basically this is e-commerce with some other company-related stuff. I create this using Next js and Ant Design as Component Design. Oh and I also design the overall website from scratch and I'm promise the initial design is much better than current design.

Live preview from this project
Gateway Nirwana Textile

4 / Hallaw

An Admin Dashboard created with React

This is admin dashboard for Hallaw, it use React, Ant Design and Redux/RTK Query for state management and data fetching. I built this with my other co-worker, I'm handle the logic such as how we consume the data and how we store the state.



5 / Koncotani Register

A single page register site with multi step form built with React and Ant Design

I make a complete redesign on this, before it was just a boring usual form that you can find anywhere. I store the form data to state using Zustand, and after that I sent the data to API using React Query + Axios.

Koncotani Register

6 / Koncotani

An E-Commerce site built with React and Laravel.

I handle two project here: one is the admin dashboard and landing page, which is built with Laravel. Second is the e-commerce site built with React. I handle for almost everything in here from what should we use for this project to how we consume the data.


7 / Satu Global Investama

A Company Profile Landing Page that created with React, Next Js and Chakra UI as UI Library

I'm doing a design slicing from Figma using Next Js and Chakra UI. It's just a single page app without dynamic data.

Satu Global Investama

8 / Mojadiapp

An Education Platform created with Laravel + Vue Js

My internship project at Kampus Merdeka Internship Program as a Front End


9 / Kenal Tiongkok

A Landing Page for Chinese Language Course site created with Wordpress

This is my freelancing work as a Wordpress Developer

Kenal Tiongkok

10 / Kamisaha

A streaming anime/video site created with Wordpress

I was created this Wordpress Theme and sell it on Codester


Dhafa Gustiadi Kurniawan - 2024